Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day 5 - Weather

Welcome to summer, WA State! Thankfully, this summer hasn't been like lat year's or years past, but We've still had our fair share of hot weather.

*Before we even hit our peak heat*

Day 4 - Bliss/Joy

Probably the one thing that brings me more bliss and joy, aside from my fiance, would be the state I live in and it's surrounding beauty. I take serious pride in the fact that I live in "The Evergreen State" just because it is so beautiful. Below is a photo of a place I had never been to and a sight that I had never seen until just recently. I hope you get as much beauty out of it as I do.

*Mt. St. Helens from the Cougar side of it.*


So sorry having not updated this since day 3. I know that I am seriously behind, but we were having some connection problems with the internet for the last week, so I will be picking up where I left off, but it's probably still going to take me awhile to catch up, so please bare with me. Thanks!


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 3 - Colors

As soon as I saw today's theme, I knew instantly what I was going to post.

On the first of this month, all of Washington State saw a brilliant red sun as it was setting. The sky was a lovely cornflower blue while the clouds where streaked with a burnt sienna color. As I was sitting outside, talking with my fiance, the only thing that resonated inside of me was, "grab your camera, you idiot!". This was the first (of several) that I was able to snap:

Now, I don't alter my photos in any way, other than do an "auto-fix" on the brightness and contrast. One simple click of a button, and then my photos are done. As I was uploading my photos to Facebook, one of my friends had uploaded an overly exposed, high saturation photo of her and her kids. (My friend is so overly photogenic, it's not even funny. This girl can make chapstick look hot!) As I was looking at her photos, I thought to myself, "Huh. I wonder what some of my other photos would look like if I did this". So, I opened one of the photos of the red sun, and overly exposed, and highly saturated it with brightness, contrast and colors, and this is what came out:

Now, I've never, NEVER, considered myself talented with the camera or with editing images. But, when this turned out the way it did, I was absolutely flabbergasted with myself. I LOVE the way the colors are bright, cheerful, and it doesn't look like my lowly little town of Longview. I was actually proud of myself for once when it comes to photography. And now, I share that joy with you. Enjoy. <3


Monday, August 2, 2010

Day 2 - Best Thing I Ever Ate

By no means am I food connoisseur, but I do LOVE food! I also haven't eaten many amazing things, but there is one thing, that I can literally eat over and over again. And that would be Pho (pronounced f-uh). It's a Vietnamese noodle dish that is primarily made up of beef stock, rice noodles, onions, cilantro, and your choice of meat. My favorite is brisket and flank, but you can get it with pretty much whatever you prefer all the way from beef to chicken to seafood. They also make a vegetarian version, but to me, it's not as good. I first tried Pho about a year and a half ago when I had moved to Seattle. From the first day that I had it, I continued eating it and reached a peak obsession of having it up to two times a week. Since moving back to my hometown from Seattle, I haven't had Pho in over 6 months, but to this day, it still remains the best thing I have ever eaten.

*Unfortunately, because I haven't had Pho in over 6 months, I did have to cheat and use a photo found on google. There is no local Pho restaurant in my hometown, so getting a photo was impossible. I promise, this won't happen often.*

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day 1 - Favorite Person in the World

My favorite person in the world, would hands down be my husband-to-be.

He is the sweetest, kindest, most gentle person I know. No matter what kind of day I'm having, he's there to laugh with me, let me cry on his shoulder, and most of all, listen. I can't think of a better person to have in this world with me and I'm so glad that he's by my side. =]


365 Days of Kyla's Life

And they're all going to be coming from my camera lense! I am so excited to be starting this. I've been attempting to do one for the last 365 days, but I never stuck with it. I'd always get side tracked or not be able to come up with something to shoot. This time, I'm going to try harder. My camera is on it's charger right now so that starting tomorrow, I can officially start taking new photos. But for my first post, I'll be using a photo that I took about two weeks ago. =]
